Thursday, September 15, 2016

Blog Elul Day 12: Forgive

My feeble attempt to translate Yehuda Amichai's "The Children":

Every day the children run on the playground
They run on their little legs, which rotate the planet like a circus
They want to be acrobats and magicians
Every night the children thank us for having brought them into the world
With beautiful politeness, they take their gifts and with their small arms they
Cling to the future stubbornly, as they cling to their parents, and their toys.
Then they lie on their backs 
In order to paint beautiful skies
Like the ceilings of the synagogue.
And I forgave my parents for having made me.
I sit next to the children until they fall asleep
And I say seven times
As the closing prayer of Yom Kippur
“I am not God.”
Seven times
“I am not God.”

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