Monday, February 28, 2011


So congratulations are in order to Shoshana Martyniak (aka Shvaygshosh) who brought Barry Rubin (who writes the RubinReports) to Beth Emeth to talk about Israel, the Middle East, Libya, Egypt etc. It was a very successful Friday night, with a packed house full of engaged and thoughtful Jews of all ages. As an admitted peacenik, I found it fairly depressing at times, but thought Dr. Rubin himself was a good and articulate speaker (even with bronchitis!).

As I said Friday, there were moments when I felt like Dr. Rubin was citing the title of Al Vorspan's book, "Start Worrying: Details to Follow", but as the Hasidic story ends, it's good for a Jew to worry, especially about Israel. But, while we should stay wide-eyed, I still feel we should keep an open mind and be fully cognizant of the challenges Israel faces not only from her neighbors, but internally as well.

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